Sunday, February 20, 2011

In the interest of posting more than once every 8 weeks or so (and for a better reason than to avoid the threat of physical violence), here's some stuff I've worked on this week.

Miscellaneous sketches for my Figure Drawing for Animation class (which became a lot easier when we were told our sketchbooks could include characters we made up, rather than just sketches from a model). . . .

In addition to drawing, I also write a lot (or try to, when I'm in school), and somehow, sketching helps me brainstorm. Something about drawing characters, places, things that helps make everything just a little bit more real. Like drawing a character's face and, on a whim, giving her scars. Then wondering, How did she get those? Who gave them to her? What if it was someone she was related to. . . . ?

Anyway, it doesn't always work, but sometimes it's that little push I need to crank out a couple thousand words when I should be doing homework instead.

Here's that same moody girl with a big ol' shiny sword.

Miscellaneous characters:

And a few sketches for Costumed Figure Drawing for Animation.

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