Friday, December 24, 2010

Portrait practice

I've never been great with portraits; drawing people, whether it's cartoony or semi-real, presents its own challenges each time, but is easy by comparison.

That said, I'm pretty thrilled with how this came out. Even working from a photograph (which is considerably easier than working from a live model, since you can take as long as you want without the subject moving or getting bored), this went wrong from the beginning. But I managed to pull it around, and came out with something I'm pretty happy with.

A couple of in-progress shots.... I keep meaning to take more of these, but it always slips my mind until I'm nearly done. =/

Also, my niece, Odelia. "Leah" for short... or so I keep trying to convince her parents. =P

That's it for now, but I've been doing a lot of drawing lately (if not necessarily a lot of posting*), so there will be more updates soon.

*-- to make up for sparse posting, here's some cute piglets with wings. Enjoy.

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