Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Photoshop paintings

This is one of 3 "warm-up" paintings I did today; the other two were lost due to my extreme lack of foresight (quit without saving). I say "warm-up" because although they were quick 10-min sketches, I wasn't really warming up to anything. Just killing time between classes.

As with other warm-ups, I tried to limit my time doing these, as I tend to get distracted sometimes, or I get too detail oriented and obsess about shades of color.

Of the three, I think this rates second-best. Or second-worst, depending on your outlook?

This second, because I was tired of painting landscapes, was a random patron of my school's computer lab.

He caught me eying him one time and gave me a "bitch I CUT YOU!" look. O.o

I didn't quite finish the image (too busy running for my life), and now that I'm away from the Cintiq, I really hesitate to try. The color fidelity on my laptop screen is so inferior, I don't want to make any color choices. Everything looks too desaturated, whereas on my school's Cintiq, every color was warm, vibrant and alive.

. . . . I miss the Cintiq, you guys. =/

-- Cristian

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